Velyki Prokhody images from the air after de-occupation
The distance from the village of Velyki Prokhody to the Ukrainian-Russian border is 10 kilometers. The village came under Russian occupation on the first day of the war and was liberated six months later. Like the handwriting of a killer, many of the mutilated and burned cars and buildings have the racist “Z” painted on them.
While retreating, the invaders mined a dam in the village. “The total TNT equivalent is approximately 650 kilograms. According to experts, 500 kg of TNT equivalent was used to explode the Nord Stream pipe,” — said Serhii Bolvinov, head of the investigation department of the National Police of the Kharkiv Region. The consequences of such an explosion would be catastrophic, flooding entire villages and towns.
In addition, four substations in the village were completely destroyed, and the remaining seven were damaged by 40-50%. Only in January 2024, after one of the substations was repaired, power was partially restored to the village.