Ruski Tyshky: the consequences of the occupation — a view from the air
Documenters from the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group are filming the destroyed Kharkiv region using cameras from the ground and on drones. In this collection are photos of Ruski Tyshky after de-occupation.
The famous on the Internet Russian MT-LB with the inscription “On Berlin” could not advance beyond Ruski Tyshky
Ruski Tyshky is a village in the Kharkiv region, which Russian armored vehicles entered on 24 February. During the next two months of occupation, Kharkiv, located 9 kilometers from the village, was shelled from here.
The Tsyrkunivska community in Ruski Tyshky suffered the most: half of the residential buildings are not subject to restoration. Mykola Sikalenko, the head of the Tsyrkunivska military administration, says that despite this, people are gradually returning.
1 Zelena Str, Ruski Tyshky
37 Zelena Str, Ruski Tyshky
51 Zelena Str, Ruski Tyshky
1 Sosnova Str, Ruski Tyshky
70 Sosnova Str, Ruski Tyshky
17 Polova Str, Ruski Tyshky
37 Polova Str, Ruski Tyshky
3а Novi Budynky Ln, Ruski Tyshky
14 Novi Budynky Ln, Ruski Tyshky
15H Luhova Str, Ruski Tyshky
6 Myru Ln, Ruski Tyshky
1 Lypetskyi Ln, Ruski Tyshky
13 Kholodnoho Str, Ruski Tyshky
Ruski Tyshky
Ruski Tyshky